「Ms. Charlotte Academy」的學生來自不同背景,但他們上完基礎課程,學懂用語言學框架有系統地學英文後,都有一樣的感想:他們終於可以明確理解一些以前從未能夠理解的概念。
“從前由小學到大學,我一直不能好好應用英文,會避免寫複雜的句子。以往我以為是自己能力不好,但直至經網上看到Ms. Charlotte的教學影片,我才知道學英文其實不難,只是我以往沒遇到像Ms. Charlotte一樣好的教師。她的教學方式使我很易了解一句英文的文法及意思。
我經常向朋友說:我以前上的英文堂都是白上。很高興看到Ms. Charlotte將整套教學方法發展成一個課程,我十分肯定,如你花點時間讀畢這課程,你的英文應用也會突飛猛進。打好這基礎後,再進一步學更深入的知識也易如反掌。”
“上畢這個課程,我才真正明白語言結構是 100% 有系統的。Ms. Charlotte 教的英文框架真是任何情況、任何句子都能應用的。而且Ms. Charlotte 有問必答,每一個問題都能夠用課程中的框架和概念解釋。她永遠不會說:「因為就是這樣。」”
“ I really learned a lot from the course, and the way you teach is the BEST METHOD for me to learn English. I’m looking forward to watching your new course. ”
“本人有少許讀寫障礙,對英文文字難以理解,但用了Ms. Charlotte 正確學習英文的方法後,變得容易理解英文文章,以及大大改善了英文作文能力同文法。”
“I have been learning English for over 50 years. You are the first teacher to explain the grammar stuff so clearly. I should have known it many years ago. It’s never too late for an old woman to enhance her English. Thank you Ms. Charlotte!”
“Thanks for your help. Your videos help me understand much more about English. Without your videos, I would not be able to understand grammar so deeply. [...] Your explanations are much better than my professor[‘s] in university.”
“「英語句子就像砌積木,一組一組堆砌而成,是有規可循。」就是這樣的教學方法,把多年以來似懂非懂的文法概念弄清了。謝謝Ms. Charlotte!”
“解釋得好好。以住大部分人為了令人簡單明白,都會把 intransitive verbs + preposition 講成transitive verbs。然而當我看完這段片之後,我覺得 MS. Charlotte的解釋除了令我明白兩種動詞的用法之外,而且知道兩者之間的分別和概念。謝謝!”
“This series of videos solved the problems [that have been] confusing me for many years.”